Thursday, June 5, 2014

cube perspective analysis sketch

The setup is this: you're looking directly at a transparent cube with the vanishing point in the dead center of the face orthogonal to your line of sight.  Since you can see straight through the cube you are also able to see the edges of the face furthest away from your position.

To draw this accurately depends on your distance from the cube.  If you were right up against the cube at distance a from the far edge then you would see none of the close edge and all of the far edge.  As you move away from the cube the ratio of the size of the distant face to the closest face approaches one... which means that at a certain arbitrary distance they become indistinguishable.  But, before they become indistinguishable there is a lot of subtlety in the relationship between the front and back edges.

All measurements are given in edge lengths from the far edge to the locus of vision.

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